Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 9 - Cautiousful Hopeful!

May 7, 2014

Today has been much more hopeful.   While a call from the surgeon or at least someone from the office today to check on my status might have helped to restore my faith in the practice, a call never came.  I hope that I am the only one who has fallen through their cracks.   At least those I did talk to from the practice were kind, professional, and compassionate.  Knowing how respected the practice is makes me wonder if they are overwhelmed by demand and have had to resort to technology rather than people to keep up with it.  I did receive a call form a nurse form the hospital where I had my surgery.  I am so impressed with this institution and the people who work there.  They have got it right!

On another note, the therapist arrived on time and provided helpful care.  She noticed that the discharge papers had not printed properly and information regarding changing the bandage was not complete.  She immediately called the surgeon's office and left a message regarding this (of course a person did not answer).  Shortly after the call was returned and she made arrangements for a nurse to come tomorrow to change the bandage. She will also be coming to provide therapy.

We also had a long talk about the state of health care and how it has deteriorated over her time in the profession.  As I have heard and read, the expectation of those providing care to see patients numbers set by insurance companies is impacting the ability of them to provide the depth of care they are trained to provide.  They, like so many others in our society, are being told to do more with less and compromise their values and professional ethics.  With the direction of health care in this country it will be more about quantity and less about quality.  It is about the bottom financial line not about quality personal care.

By the afternoon I was feeling better and was up to taking a shower and to go outside to take short walk.  Hopefully I can now get on to healing and back to my yoga practice.  In time I hope I will make sense of these recent events and see what lessons are to be learned from this.

Stay tuned!


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