Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 30 - Ah Ha!

May 29, 2014

The day started well.  Had a wonderful meditation session.  Managed to get up and down some stairs to do some laundry.  Took it one step at a time.  Still relying on my left leg but getting stronger, more confident and a bit more flexible on the right.  I am trying to walk longer distances without the assistance of the cane but still use it when I have longer distances or uneven terrain just for security.

Taking a bath is my relaxation therapy.  I have been dying to get back into the tub and especially since I was so cold yesterday after the yoga event.  After going it much thought I figured out how to take a bath without soaking my incision!  I used a yoga block to sit on!  It got my hips high enough out of the water yet allowed me to recline and relax. Haaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!  It worked perfectly but any block or even plastic ware would work.

Went to teach later in the day but for some reason was so exhausted.  I don't know why.  Barely made it through class.  I do know I did not have time to take a "power" nap.  Perhaps this is why I could not go the distance.

I wonder what awaits me tomorrow.

Stay tuned!


Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 29 - Up and Down

May 28, 2014

My legs hurts differently today than other days.  Every day seems to be a bit different.  The plan is to take a slow walk in the park after some meditation this morning.  Tonight I am hoping to be able to attend a yoga event with my daughter this evening.  While I can't participate at least I can be there and get my "head" back in the game.

The event was wonderful but a bit too cold to be to be practicing outside.  The food afterward was exceptional and it was so nice to see friends form the studio.  It just reminded me how much I miss yoga.

I have to realize that not every day will be an "ah ha" day but every day has something to offer.

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 28 - 4 Weeks Ago Today

May 27, 2014

It has been 4 weeks today that I had my surgery.  It has been an interesting ride and more to come.  Today started well.  Had a good night's rest and was in my bed the whole night.  Woke up this morning to find my meditation website was down.  Should have known it was not a good sign.  As the day wore on my hip hurt more and more.  By the end of my five hour class and the day my whole leg hurt.  Right now my hip is especially painful with rather sharp pains.  My knee is also bothering me and my plantar fasciitis.  I am back in the recliner icing and hope a slow day tomorrow will help me get back on track.  At least I have a massage waiting for me on Friday.

Stay tuned!


Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 27 - Taking It Easy

May 26, 2014

Took it easy today after yesterday.  Spent most of the night with ice on my hip in the lounger.  Walked a bit today trying not to use the cane very much.  Managed to get on and off a friend's boat.  The outside of my right hip and my right buttocks hurt.  Maybe because I am using the muscles more.  The areas around my incision is not as swollen but I took it easier today.  I found when I wake up it is hardly swollen as much but as the day goes on it gets worse.  At least it is getting better.  I think I am going to schedule a massage this week to try to get more circulation around that area.

Missed my morning meditation.  Plan to get to the water tomorrow to catch up.  Yoga in 2 more weeks!!  Yea!!!

Stay tuned!


Day 26 - An Active Day

May 25, 2014

Started the day with Reiki and meditation.  It was a great start to a long day.  Spent all day at the club.  Walked everywhere.  Back and forth between the docks, my car and the pool.  I think I over did it but it was a great day.  It was nice to be up and out.  It still hurts in the hip joint.  Around the incision it is numb and becomes swollen by the end of the day.  I am still on Tramadol.  I do have better range of motion and can lift my leg but it still hurts in the front of the joint.  I plan to take it easy tomorrow.  We will see how that goes.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 25 - Out and About

May 24, 2014

What a long day!  Started with taking my granddaughter to gymnastics.  Rode with a good friend and her little boy and had time to catch up.  After that it was on to the club.  The pool opened today and of course the kids wanted to swim even thought the water was cold.  Lounging there was helpful and then drove to the store for some things for dinner.  By the end of the day I was beat and my hip was not terribly happy.

I am walking more without the cane although I still need it when I do not have a wall or something else to steady myself if need be.  Took 1 Tramadol this morning and one this afternoon.  Tonight is going to require 2 Tramadol and some ice.  Hopefully I will sleep through the night.  I am going to need it.  Tomorrow is the children's party at the club.  The fishing derby starts as 9 and there are nonstop activities for them the rest of the day.  I know I won't be there all day.  Fortunately between friends and family I will get some breaks.

Off to meditate and ice.

Stay tuned!


Day 24 - Better Than I Expected

May 23, 2014

I remember posting my messages just after my surgery and going from being awake to dozing off in the middle of a sentence.  Being in that twilight zone was the safest place to be following the insult to my body (an ego).  Today I feel better than I expected I would after my day yesterday.  I am finding that my pain level remains fairly constant around a 1 or a 2 on my pain scale.  I am not having the spikes like I was before but still taking 1 or 2 Tramadol, depending on how I feel.  I am going longer with each dosage to help get me off of them.

During meditation today I kept of the contemplating that "I am a soul in a body" This perspective completely changes my view of my life's journey.  Always thinking body first with a soul made me focus more on the physical experience.  Focusing on soul first helps me be a bit more forgiving of the physical aspects of my journey and think if it as a vehicle to allow me to explore and experience the world.  Made me think of the movie "Men in Black" and the "aliens" that were traveling in other bodies. 

I finished physical therapy today.  It was truly helpful  I still have exercises to do and with the weather improving I am looking forward to getting back to the park and walking my dog.  Until then I am thinking of a trip to Home Depot.  They have carts that I can use to aid my walking and I have projects to do around here for which I need to shop.

Stay tuned!


Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 23 - Up and Out

May 22, 2014

Today I am headed out to take a class and to teach.  It is going to be a long day.  I woke up with only a little pain, say...level 1+ but I will see how I am when I have to leave.  Taking Tramadol will at least keep my from going over the edge.

Last night was pretty good.  Very little discomfort.  Managed to walk to the bathroom without the use of my cane but utilized walls and furniture to get there.  Not quite ready to go caneless yet.

I managed to make it through a 2 hour class and had enough to teach a class following.  Ran on 2 Tramadol and got home in time to ice and take 2 more.  Been trying to walk more without relying on the cane but still need it for longer distances.  I am surprised how good I do feel but I am waiting to see how I feel tomorrow.

Meditation was helpful to help me focus the today,  I am planning on adding a Reiki session tomorrow to get me back on track.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 22 - How Normal is This?

May 21, 2014

Today I am struggling again.  Had a bit of a rough night.  Having pain in the joint.  Still on pain medications going between 1 and 2 Tramadol.  Not sure of this is OK at this point to have it get better only to get worse.  I am torn between working too hard and not working hard enough.  I am still trying to find the balance.  Hopefully in a year I will look back at this and understand what is/has happening(ed).  As I once read after my mother passed away,  "Life has to be lived forward but can only be understood backward."

I need to be well enough tomorrow to get back to work.  The plan is to drive to take a class and then teach.  Seeing as I haven't been behind the wheel let alone out for an extended time and have to able to move from my car to a classroom on my own.  My concern is getting there but having difficulty getting back.  I will find out tomorrow.

I called the doctor's office today to see if the pain I am having is within the range of normal.  I was assured that it was and that I will have good days and not so good days.  While I can start moving more normally in 6 weeks I should not be surprised if it takes 3 months to become comfortable.  One year out will be the real mark.  I had PT today.  The therapist said she is seeing good progress and reminded me that when they take power tools to your body your should expect some pain.  Put that way...I guess that does make sense.

Meditation today was helpful.  I am looking forward to being able to practice by the water.  Since I start driving tomorrow I hope to be there in a day or two.

I managed to get some exercise food shopping with my husband.  I found walking with the cart allowed me to walk naturally and loosen up hip with support if I needed it.  I think it is a good option for getting some exercise.

The day ended with icing and 2 Tramadol.  I am sure tomorrow will be...different.

Stay tuned!



Day 21 - One Step Back

May 20, 2014

Seem to be having a bit of a struggle today.  Slept part of the night in the recliner chair icing my hip and part of the night in bed.  I woke up feeling very stiff with pain in the hip joint and into my low back.  Perhaps this is due to new PT exercises that I got yesterday that require me to be standing and putting more weight into that hip.  The weather is also changing and rain is coming in.  I am wondering if this might be causing me to notice my hip more.  I do hope that this pain will go away regardless.  I do feel the incision site is improving and the swelling is going down.  Ice still makes it feel better.

Meditation this morning was healing and empowering.  One day at a time I feel I am making progress in one area or another.  I do have questions about my physical limitations and about what I can and cannot do when I get back to my yoga practice but right now I am not ready to ask them.  I am still willing to take it easy and listen to my body.

I have been trying to move around the kitchen without using a cane.  This way I have the support of the counter if I need it.  Today was a bit better than yesterday and I am using by legs more evenly when I walk or just stand. 

Stay tuned!


Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 20 - Getting Better All the Time

May 19, 2014

Looks like I paid for yesterday.  Back to 2 Tramadol this morning.  I am still working on how much is too much.  Now that I am on my way to my physical healing I am back to my psychological healing.  Today's Day 2 meditation from Depok Chopra's "Finding your Flow" focused on "you" as the source of your happiness.  During this I revisited the awareness that happiness is wherever you are, not a destination or a place.  While a place can be a sanctuary for this healing it is not always possible to be there.  Therefore it is imperative that I take the time to look inward for this happiness or peace and stay in the moment.  I am the only one that can create this.  I cannot look to others.  If I seek a sanctuary, if I seek healing, if I seek peace, if I seek happiness I have to work it find it.   I keep revisiting Lao Tze's
  If you are depressed you are living in the past
  If you are anxious you re living in the future
  If you are content you are living in the present

While I know this I have to keep reminding myself.

One of the things I realize is that while I know much I have not really internalized or masters it yet.  I thought that all of this would have been applied throughout this journey.  Only now I am coming back to it.  My physical distractions clouded this knowledge.  Rather than being disappointed in myself, I am learning from it.  I find this realization interesting because it intersects with Beattie's reading for today..."Don't be Afraid of Making Mistakes".  This is an important reminder that everything happens for a reason and we learn the most form our struggles and failures rather than our successes.  We just need to be aware and open to the lesson that is offering itself. 

Stay tuned!


Day 19 - I Am Ready

May 18, 2014

Today is the beginning of next journey.  I have released my family to pursue their own lives and passions.  As I said, "My work here is done".  I began the day with meditation and happy to be back on track.  The reading I "Love All of Yourself".  Words that are perfect for today.  I need to revisit and celebrate what I have been, what I have done, and how I have done it.

I slept in my bed for part of the night.  While I am still quite comfortable in the recliner, I was happy to find that the bed was equally as comfortable and I am able to get in and out of it myself.  I am down to 1 Tramadol in the morning and 1 at night. 

My friend surprised me up by picking me up and took me out for lunch and got me out in the sun for a while.  It was nice to spend some time out and away without family.  Comparing notes is always nice and an unbiased opinion is always helpful.

Had a busy and physically demanding day.  We will see how I hold up.

Stay tuned!


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 18 - Out in Public

May 17, 2014

Today I managed to sit through a 3 hour graduation ceremony.    During that time I had a chance to look at my family all together for the first time in years and realize how far we have all come.  This was a day to celebrate accomplishments and to look ahead to new ones.  What made this so significant was that I felt for the first time in 30+ years, I am ready to let everyone stand on their own.  It is time for me to focus on me.  Perhaps my surgery was meant to get me headed on this journey.  It has given me time to revisit my personal, professional, and physical self.

I am down to taking 2 Tramadol in the morning and 2 before bedtime.  I used the walker to navigate the crowd at the graqduation but spend the rest of the day using my cane and trying to walk in a more balanced way.  I am sleeping through the night for the first time in years.  I have no longer have pain that wakes me up multiple times a night.  Even though I still have some healing pain, the pain that prompted the hip replacement seems to be gone.  I am hoping that over the next days and weeks I will be back to where I was before the accident and maybe even better!

Today's reading from Journey to the Heart, was titled "Happiness Is Within Reach".  I am beginning believe that not only is this possible, but I am even deserving of it.  It is just up to me for find it.

Stay Tuned!

Day 17 - Waking Up

May 16, 2014

Went to the doctor today.  He was very positive about my progress.  He told me to stop being so cautious and to trust my hip.  He said that I could go start back to yoga in another 3 weeks.  H wants me to start moving more and slow stretching in the meantime.  That sounds good to me!  I am planning on starting back with chair yoga.   I can sleep in my bed and on my side if I want or even on my stomach.  Neither of those options sound like a good idea yet.

I the physical therapist came today and is still helping me with my mobility and strengthening.  I practiced getting in and out of bed and walking.  I need to focus on distributing my weight equally on both feet and to regain an normal balanced gait.  She plans on coming next week to help me work on this.

So that is working on my body, but what about my head.  I found that was a problematic as my hip.  I realize that I was very disappointed about my first 2 weeks.  I "trained" for this and thought I would be better, stronger, faster.  Guess that is my competitive nature.  While I was sitting in the office today, I took some time to check in with one of my favorite books Journey to the Heart by Melody Beattie.  As I went through the readings for the dates for the past weeks, I was amazed how helpful reading these entries would have been to get me through them.  This is one of my go-to books to help me center and reflect.  Why I did not have presence of mind to do daily readings is beyond me, but better late than never.  Today's title is "What You Believe, Is What You Will See.  Boy I needed to reminded that.  I plan to make reading this part of my morning ritual.  I also realize I need to get back to daily meditation.

I find it interesting how my physical condition impacted my mental condition.  I know this is nothing new, but I  am now more aware of the importance of keeping myself in good physical condition.  As I began to feel better my mind began to clear.  Getting off pain meds is certainly helping as well.

Stay tuned!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 16 - Still Hangin in There

May 15, 2014

Today was another day of taking it easy and trying to get my body and brain to begin working together.  Still on Tramadol but cutting back to taking it in the morning and before bed. I am still going between the walker and the cane.  I just don't trust my hip yet.  I don't want to screw this up.  It really is my last chance.

Stay tuned!


Day 15 - Slowly but Surely

May 14, 2014

No big revelations today.  Had PT and practiced walking with a cane. It is going to take some getting use to.  Trying to get up every our to move and I am setting my alarm to remind me.  I have realized that I do not like depending on others to help me.  I hope I never get in a situation where I have to do this.  Guess I just better be sure I keep in shape.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 14 - Support on the Journey

May 13, 2014

Today was another day of getting use to the "new" me.  I am waking up feeling better than the day before and sleeping better as well.  I am still in a recliner chair but hope to transition to my bed in a day or two.  I am still taking pain meds but not as frequently and I am beginning to trust my hip a bit more to bear weight.  Walking every hour is helpful and I think it is what I need most now.  Distance is not the essence.  Frequency is.  Setting a timer to remind me would be a good idea.  Tomorrow I tackle using a cane.  I need to get mobile as summer sessions start next week.

I have been thinking about how much a support group would have helped, or would help me in this process.  I am not sure if there any locally or online.  I will have to research this.  I am thinking of calling the hospital where I had my surgery to see if they know of any.  They had a very helpful 2 hours class that I took to prepare me for my surgery.  This might be a logical extension.  I would be glad to volunteer my time and experience with others and I am sure there are more people out there who would do the same.  Either by phone or online, either would have helped me.  I would be most interested in working with others who are in fairly good shape before the surgery.  I am not sure what I might have to offer to someone who comes in with different issues, but who knows...maybe they are all similar.  I know that it would be only for support and encouragement.  I am sure there are liability issues.  Leave the medical side to the experts.

Logical goals are another part of recovery.  It has taken me some time to get used to the idea that even though I was in shape before this surgery, my progress has not been as expected or hoped for.  I am sure there are/were some ego issues involved.  Comparing myself to others does me no good.  My PT therapist has been quite helpful in setting short term goals.  I only see her every other day now but it gives me something to work for.  I need(ed) to set long term and short term goals to help keep me positive and on track.  Writing them down is most helpful.

I need to keep in mind this is an unknown journey for me.  If I look at it as exploring the Amazon, it helps give me perspective.  Every day and every turn reveals something else to me.  I need to keep my eyes and mind open to discover what there is to be learned along the way.

Stay tuned!



Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 13 - A Larger Lesson

May 12, 2014

Today was a day of taking it easy after a rigorous day before.  I had PT and was informed that I should plan to transition to a cane on Wednesday.  I am not sure I will be ready by then and need to work on trusting my hip to bear more weight.  I managed a couple of walks but spent most of the day trying to get my brain back on track.  A balance of Tramadol and ice helped with the pain, which is still present. 

I have to try to not think of the others I spoke to who were up and moving and pain free less than a week after surgery.  While I try to explain the reasons, the bottom line is what it is.  Everyone is different and I need to take my journey without comparing myself to others.  I find this revelation quite interesting, as lately I have been comparing my professional work to others around me and feeling inadequate.  Perhaps the lesson here is larger than I thought.  First I need to get my body back and my mind and confidence will follow. Comparing myself to others is not helpful  I need to "stay on my own yoga mat", so to speak.

Stay tuned!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 12 - I Got to Move It, Move It

May 11, 2014

Today the weather and my hip cooperated.  I managed to get out a number of times to walk.  I made it to the corner twice and into my backyard once.  It was quite a hectic Mother's Day with family over.  I actually made some of the dishes for dinner.  All this was done with the help of Tramadol and icing.  This icing machine is a God send!  My incision is still swollen and I still have aches in inside of my hip joint and on the outside of my hip.   The pain is especially annoying in my low back on the same side as the replacement.  I am hoping that all of this goes away soon...or even eventually.

While almost everyone told me that I would feel relief immediately, it is not so in my case.  I actually feel worse.  All the excuses I make for this do not help with my optimism.  I am concerned that this procedure may not be successful.  I keep telling myself that I need to give it time and to be patient...something that I have been reminding myself since this whole thing began.

This "time off" has given me time to think about where I go from here professionally and personally.  I guess these kind of events do that.  I need to get back to meditation and my yoga practice.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 11 - Relax and Recover

May 10, 2014

Today has been a lesson in slow and steady.  No new insights just time to process events of the past few days...a good reminder to stay in the present.  Balancing time resting and time walking makes me aware that every time I do I feel a bit better.  I try to keep visualizing "gracious integration".

As I have become more confident in my hip and my ability for it to bear more and more weight, I have slowly lowered the height of my walker.  It is now at the lowest level and I rely on it less and less.

Stay tuned!


Day 10 - Gracious Integration

May 9, 2014

Today was very interesting. Had PT, cranio-sacral massage, and the nurse came to change the dressing.  I also managed to stop taking the oxycodone. I realized it was not lessening the pain and was just making me angry.  So glad to be off that stuff.  It scares me.  I am thinking much more clearly and feeling more optimistic.

The highlight of the day was my massage, during which I had some interesting revelations.  I had never had that kind of massage before so I was not sure what to expect. To start with I had many distractions.  My little yippy needy dogs would not leave me alone.  They kept circling the table and pawing at it and whining.   I tried to put them in another room but they scratched at the door and whined until I let them out.  So they stayed and periodically let me know that they were still present.  The weather was warm so I opened to French doors to the patio.   No sooner than I had settled in, the emergency sirens started.  My 1 hour massage was half filled with these distraction.  Interesting that that is the story of my life.  Seems no matter what I am trying to do there are constant distractions and demands on my attention and time.

Eventually I settled into the experience and began to feel some effects.   I felt a gentle pulsing and wonderfully relaxed.   He spent a good deal of his time focusing on my hip.  When he began to work on my neck and head I began to notice colors, mostly white.  eventually it became even more interesting.  When he was focusing on the right side of my head the light was bright.  When he moved to the left side it became dark.  Finally at the end when he placed both hands on the top of my head I saw a bright white light and eventually yellow began to spread over it.  I found that most interesting as that is not a color I usually see. I mostly see blues and greens.  I need to explore this.

When we were through we talked about our experiences.   He said one thing that really struck him was when he was focusing on my hip.  As he worked on it the phrase "gracious integration" kept going through his head.  When he told me this I was astounded.  Two things that my yoga instructor said to me when I was preparing for surgery came back to me.  She said it will take time and that my "software will need time to get use to my hardware".  I found this image so helpful and encouraging.  It helped me to attempt to understand the need to be patient.  She also presented the image of how a tree over time will grow around a rope that has been tied around it until it becomes part of the tree.  The same thing wil happen with my hip.  My soft tissure will eventually embrace and stabalize my new hip.  The phrase "gracious integration" describes all of this perfectly.  That is what I need to tell myself as I heal...time and patience.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 9 - Cautiousful Hopeful!

May 7, 2014

Today has been much more hopeful.   While a call from the surgeon or at least someone from the office today to check on my status might have helped to restore my faith in the practice, a call never came.  I hope that I am the only one who has fallen through their cracks.   At least those I did talk to from the practice were kind, professional, and compassionate.  Knowing how respected the practice is makes me wonder if they are overwhelmed by demand and have had to resort to technology rather than people to keep up with it.  I did receive a call form a nurse form the hospital where I had my surgery.  I am so impressed with this institution and the people who work there.  They have got it right!

On another note, the therapist arrived on time and provided helpful care.  She noticed that the discharge papers had not printed properly and information regarding changing the bandage was not complete.  She immediately called the surgeon's office and left a message regarding this (of course a person did not answer).  Shortly after the call was returned and she made arrangements for a nurse to come tomorrow to change the bandage. She will also be coming to provide therapy.

We also had a long talk about the state of health care and how it has deteriorated over her time in the profession.  As I have heard and read, the expectation of those providing care to see patients numbers set by insurance companies is impacting the ability of them to provide the depth of care they are trained to provide.  They, like so many others in our society, are being told to do more with less and compromise their values and professional ethics.  With the direction of health care in this country it will be more about quantity and less about quality.  It is about the bottom financial line not about quality personal care.

By the afternoon I was feeling better and was up to taking a shower and to go outside to take short walk.  Hopefully I can now get on to healing and back to my yoga practice.  In time I hope I will make sense of these recent events and see what lessons are to be learned from this.

Stay tuned!


Day 8 - Colossal Systems Failure

May 6, 2014

This has been a colossal systems failure.  I never heard from the doctors office until later in the day when his PA called.  That was only after the physical therapist (who supposed to come on Saturday and just came today - Tuesday) called to inform them that I was in distress.  Before that happened had I left messages at the surgeon's office and the hospital where I was told to call if there were any problems.  After being connected to the wrong department numerous times and beng disconnected multiple times I left a message for the surgeon on call for my doctor I finally got a call back. The conversations with the PA and the covering surgeon gave me direction and reassurance.   All of this could have taken place much earlier and would have avoided my distress and the tarnishment of reputations.

Long story short, this has been a failure to communicate, respond, or be accountable for assurances made to provide follow-up, support and care.  My call to the visiting nurse and PT did respond immediately to my concerns and assured me that this was not the way things normally go.  Actions were immediately taken to recticy the situation.  While apologetic, the surgeon's office has not been so responsive.  I am hoping that the surgeon's skill more than makes up for the lack of patient support.  While he has been let down by his support staff, ultimately the responsibility resides with the physician and reflects on his practice and reputation.

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 7

May 5, 2014

Today has been a disaster. Nothing has gone well.  I was expecting PT today but no one came, even through I was told someone would be here.  I have still been struggling with pain and called by surgeon's office only to be greeted by vocie mails and directions to leave messages, which I did.  I was also directed to call the hospital where the residences were on call.  I left a message ther but heard nothing from them at all.  I finally called the hosptial where I had the surgery and asked to speak with a nurse for the floor I was on.  They did what they could but recommended I cal my primary physician. Are you kidding me???????  At least the PA there gave me some advice.

The day ended with my grandduaghter being dropped off so I could watch her overnight while her parents worked.

There are some important messages I need to learn from this.  Maybe tomorrow will bring clarity.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 6

May 3, 2014

Something about getting worse befoee it gets about getting different before it gets better.  There is no steady line with a gradual improvement.  More like up and down and then kinda more up then even more down.  Not what was expected.  As often is said, "They lied".

Started the day ok I thought.  Had a good evening.  Succesfully made dinner and moved around comfortably.  Got a few naps in and had good pain control.  Ended the day hopeful with plans to grade portfolios for final grades the next day.

That was then and this is now.  I took pain meds every 4 hours last night but woke up feeling nauseous.   Took 2 pills in the morning and had a glass of V8 juice and some slivered almonds.  Got up and went to the kitchen to do some of my exercises.  Suddenly I felt ill not sure if was going to throw up or pass out. After leaning over the sink (thankfully I was there for support from the counter) I realized I needed to go the the bathroom.  There was no way I could ever move.  I had cold sweats, was lightheaded, and weak.  Thankfully , my husband was home to get the portable toilet to me in time.  Good news was I finally went to the bathroom.  Bad news was I was still feeling ill.  When I got back to my bedroom I realized I needed to talk to the doctor.   For some reason his office had no one to cover his calls and the hospital they told me to call was no help.  Thankfully I had a way to contact his PA and she gave me advice.  I spent the rest of the day sleeping and "grazing".  By dinner time I was feeling a bit better.  One thing she recommended beside grazing was to be sure to drink a full glass of water with the pills not just a sip of water.  Also perhaps taking a lower dose of oxycodone and taking motrin in between. I found keeping something in my stomach and drinking more has really helped.  Sipping pepsi and eating saltines helped.  Also the ice machine did give some relief.

One thing that struck me was that my husband's help has been amazing.  He is not one I considering the nursing type.  In the midst of his having to clean up after me he was still able to make jokes.  The photos of me on the toilet were special (and deleted).  When I would get up to go into the kitchen he would follow me with the toilet chair...annoying at the time but funny now.  Reminded me of the loving care his father took of his mother when she was home and dying.  Both pretty rough characters with soft hearts.  They both suprised me.

On another note, my granddaughter is on the way to the house.  Both her parents have to work tonight so she is staying here.  Now that she is 7 she is much better at bedtime routines.  I am hoping this will be true tonight.  I just wish I could put her to bed.  I love our story and snuggle time.  The plan is go have one of her parents here in the morning to get her to school.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 5

May 3, 2014

Today has been another day of reflection and learning.  I have no idea if anyone is or will be reading this daily catharsis/blog but perhaps some of the things I have learned will help them prepare or recover from a similar surgery.

Today I found solutions to 2 problems.  The first one was that my sport sock wouldn't stay on my foot.  I think it was because my foot was a bit too swollen.  My  husband suggested I use one of his sport socks. Problem solved.  It has stayed on all day and toes are toasty warm.  The other problem  was not feeling comfortable or steady walking since I still feel my surgical leg is longer than my other leg.  Doing my exercises and walking was quite bothersome.  I decided to put a soft soled flat shoe on my "good" foot.  I found it much more comfprtable and the ability to swing my foot through when I walk is much more comfortable. I am sure as the hip heals and the swelling subsides I will be fine with no shoe.  I will try to remember this as I continue my rehab.

I can't imagine how people without good upper bpdy strength would fare in recovery.  I am in pretty good shape and I am feeling it in chest and upper arms.  the downside of this might be that I am relying on that rather then putting full weight on my leg.

I keep relearning the importance of keeping on time with pain management.   I slept a bit late today and was over an hour late taking it.  I was really hurting.  I have been careful to take my pills every 4 hours. It doesn't pay to tough it out.

Someone from home therapy came today to get the paperwork filled out so I can start PT on Monday.   That will be interesting.

One thing I wish I had known before the surgery was the amount of ice I would need to have to maintain the ice machine therapy.  I would certainly have made sure there was room for at least 2 bags or more at a time in my freezer.  I am going through 4 bags a day.  I am fortunate that my husband can run to the store to get more when it is needed.  We will see how this works during the week.

When all of this is over I think I will compile a list of things I wish I knew before the ordeal started. I would benefitted greatly by it.  If anyone reading this sees something I missed, please let me know.

One final thought is an appreciation for issues of pain and suffering.  When I reflect on the impact of the accident the surgery and time lost from work because of it and how it has impacted my family I can umderstand the large numbers associated with settlements.  My husband actually has had a harder time than I do in some ways.  I think he feels my pain more than I do and doesn't know what to do to help me.  I could never understand why family members would also get settlement compensation for their pain and suffering and even lost services.  Now I do.

Stay tuned!


Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 4

May 2, 2014

Yesterday was so busy. Went to PT twice.  Walked back to the room after each one.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  Did leg lifts, up on toes one leg at a time and with both, squats, quad stretches, and walked with a walker and with parallel bars.  Expectations were minimal...5 to 15 each with rest in between.  Of course why do 5 when your can do 50.  Paid big time for that. By the end of the day my leg was even more swollen, in spite of constant icing (love the machine) and pain level was worse than the first day by the time the day was through.  By 11 in the evening I had to take 2 Percaset and by 1 in the morning it was so bad  I had an infusion of toradol.  Felt great after that.  Slept well until the morning only to find out that yesterday (the 3rd day out) is usually the worst.  It gets better after that.  Wish I had known that (that is why i am writing this blog).  I thought I really did some kind of damage.  I need to realize no pain no gain doesn't always hold true.  Actually learned this a long time ago...a couple of times...I just seem be one of those who just don't get it.  That stuff happens to other people not me.  Boy am I gonna be surprised when I die.   :-)

I have been sharing my journey with nurses, therapists, PA's, doctors, and pretty much anyone who will listen.  I have been recruiting for both studios. Wish I brought more cards to pass out.  They were gone the first day.  I am becoming more and more convinced of the benefits of doing different kinds of yoga on a regular basis.  I guess this is what is meant by balance.  This is especially true for us "older" yogis.  A mix of Power flow, yin, restorative, and even basic classes to remind one of correct form has been so helpful.  Of course this takes up a good part of ones day.  Thankfully my job and the schedules at the studios allow me to do this.  I love my job but sure would like to live in "yoga world".  I have never found something I love so much that I am not interested in teaching. So not like me.  Wish I could make a living geting paid to practice or even blog about it.  i don't see that happening any time soon.  Guess I better start taking classes to be trained, or at least to assist.

For those thinking about have hip or knee replacement, you might want to remember to bring your own tissues (hospital tissues are like newpaper) saline nasal spray for your nose (it is so dry in here), hard candy for after surgery and for dryness of your mouth, and thank you notes.  Had to ask my husband to bring them up after the fact and later and wished I had them sooner.  Next time (I do have another hip ...not like it needs to be replaced yet but this has been so much fun) maybe I can follow my own advice.

As they say, "what a difference a day makes".  Yesterday at this time I was in horrible pain.  I went to therapy twice today.  Did basic exercises and walked back to my room both times.  I am am home now and learning how to handle life without the resources of the hospital.  Negotiating my way around a house that is small is not terribly pleasant even without a walker.  Hoping the weather breaks soon so I can get out and walk.  Husband has been helpful getting settled.  The challenge will be when he is not here.  I am working on being independent.  Lack of space to move makes it a bit more challenging. I am sure once I get the daily details worked out things will get easier.

On that note I am going to take my pain pills and call it a night.

Stay tuned!


If anyone has any advice or comments, please add them.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 3

May 1, 2014

Slept well last night.  It was very quiet. No snoring husband or dogs getting on and off the bed.  Aside from being woken up periodically by nurses doing their rounds it was a very restful night.  Pain seems to be well managed.

It was nice to have company last evening.   My son and granddaughter stopped up as well as a good friend and my husband.  It was nice to see everyone.  Nothing new on that front.

Last night the nurse asked me if my blood pressure is usually low.  I explained to her that it was usually high and I am medicated for it.  She said that I may not get my medicine for that ths morning and in fact I did not.  This got me thinking...since I have started a consistent yoga practice my doctor reduced the strength of my medications.  Now a few years out I am wondering if it needs to be reduced even more.  I have not tracked it in a long time and plan to do so when I get home.  I have had moments of dizziness and I am wondering if this might be the reason.

I noticed during the middle of the night that the leg of the hip that was replaced seems longer than the other one.  I spoke with the PA this morning and she told me that is not an unusual observation.  After the swelling goes down it should be fine.  I will bring it up to the doctor when I see him this afternoon just in case.  Not sure what they could do about it anyway but the PA assured me he is very meticulous about that and being an anterior procedure it is the easiest to determine.  That works for me!

Been trying to meditate every day but just keep falling asleep...ha ha.  Hope to try again later today after I go to PT.  I have even zoned out trying to write this.  Realized the importance of engaging my core to lift my leg and when I am walking.   Reminded me of boat pose.   Trying to lift with just your leg muscles isn't effective.  Takes awareness and reminding.  Made an effort to stay straight and stand tall...true north.

Took one last walk around the floor then call it a night.  Leg muscles are really tight.  I didn't see a lot of improvement today.  I was told that is gets worse before it gets better.  Maybe one more day and then it will turn around.  If all goes well I go home tomorrow.

Stay tuned!
