Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 4

May 2, 2014

Yesterday was so busy. Went to PT twice.  Walked back to the room after each one.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  Did leg lifts, up on toes one leg at a time and with both, squats, quad stretches, and walked with a walker and with parallel bars.  Expectations were minimal...5 to 15 each with rest in between.  Of course why do 5 when your can do 50.  Paid big time for that. By the end of the day my leg was even more swollen, in spite of constant icing (love the machine) and pain level was worse than the first day by the time the day was through.  By 11 in the evening I had to take 2 Percaset and by 1 in the morning it was so bad  I had an infusion of toradol.  Felt great after that.  Slept well until the morning only to find out that yesterday (the 3rd day out) is usually the worst.  It gets better after that.  Wish I had known that (that is why i am writing this blog).  I thought I really did some kind of damage.  I need to realize no pain no gain doesn't always hold true.  Actually learned this a long time ago...a couple of times...I just seem be one of those who just don't get it.  That stuff happens to other people not me.  Boy am I gonna be surprised when I die.   :-)

I have been sharing my journey with nurses, therapists, PA's, doctors, and pretty much anyone who will listen.  I have been recruiting for both studios. Wish I brought more cards to pass out.  They were gone the first day.  I am becoming more and more convinced of the benefits of doing different kinds of yoga on a regular basis.  I guess this is what is meant by balance.  This is especially true for us "older" yogis.  A mix of Power flow, yin, restorative, and even basic classes to remind one of correct form has been so helpful.  Of course this takes up a good part of ones day.  Thankfully my job and the schedules at the studios allow me to do this.  I love my job but sure would like to live in "yoga world".  I have never found something I love so much that I am not interested in teaching. So not like me.  Wish I could make a living geting paid to practice or even blog about it.  i don't see that happening any time soon.  Guess I better start taking classes to be trained, or at least to assist.

For those thinking about have hip or knee replacement, you might want to remember to bring your own tissues (hospital tissues are like newpaper) saline nasal spray for your nose (it is so dry in here), hard candy for after surgery and for dryness of your mouth, and thank you notes.  Had to ask my husband to bring them up after the fact and later and wished I had them sooner.  Next time (I do have another hip ...not like it needs to be replaced yet but this has been so much fun) maybe I can follow my own advice.

As they say, "what a difference a day makes".  Yesterday at this time I was in horrible pain.  I went to therapy twice today.  Did basic exercises and walked back to my room both times.  I am am home now and learning how to handle life without the resources of the hospital.  Negotiating my way around a house that is small is not terribly pleasant even without a walker.  Hoping the weather breaks soon so I can get out and walk.  Husband has been helpful getting settled.  The challenge will be when he is not here.  I am working on being independent.  Lack of space to move makes it a bit more challenging. I am sure once I get the daily details worked out things will get easier.

On that note I am going to take my pain pills and call it a night.

Stay tuned!


If anyone has any advice or comments, please add them.

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