Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 62 - Slow Down!

June 30, 2014

I went to PT and aqua therapy today.  I did the usual bike warm up and then bridges, Supata Baddah Kanassana, and stretches off the side of table for the front and side of my hip.  Nothing too aggressive.  From there I went to the pool and did some work there.  I added a few ballet stretches as well that seemed to help putting my leg out in the front and moving it around to the back then going from back to front.  That was perfect.

I am trying to figure out a less aggressive schedule and would like to try to do to PT and aqua therapy on Monday and Friday, massage and walking on Tuesday, yoga on Wednesday, Tuesday either paddle board yoga or restorative (depending on the weather), Friday PT and aqua therapy, Saturday walk, and Sunday Yin yoga.  Sounds like the perfect plan!!!

Stay tuned!!


Day 61 -

June 29, 2014

Day 60 -

June 28, 2014

Day 59 -

June 27, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 58 - Amazing Yoga on Paddle Board Experience!

June 26, 2014

Today was so wonderful!!  I took my first yoga class on paddle board from my daughter.  She is remarkable!  I am so honored to be her mother!  I took it with my 2 friends who share the same birthday (tomorrow) and my goddaughter.  The day was beautiful.  The water was perfect.  The air was warm.  The sun was shining and the sky was the perfect blue with puffy white clouds.  As we launched I was sure I would fall in.  By the end of the class I was pretty sure I wouldn't.  I managed to do full wheel and the beginning of crow.  It is still too painful to put full weight on my right side.  Side crow is fine but not ready for on the paddle board. It was challenging to do some things as I still have difficulty when I am crouching and my hip is closed but I managed to get into all the poses including camel.

After class my 2 friends and I went to the club to swim and for lunch by the pool.  Doesn't get much better than that.  We hope to take a class again next week and if I ever get enough money I would love to get a board for myself and my friends.  We could do yoga in Sue's pool!!

Stay tuned!


Day 57 - Still Taking It Easy

June 25, 2014

I woke up planning on taking a level 3 yoga class this morning but thought better of it.  My hip is still a bit tweaky and I am planning on taking my first yoga on paddle board class tomorrow from my daughter.  I had other errands to run anyway and had to meet my friend for lunch before she presented in my class.  I took the time to do the stretches that Mike showed me on Monday.  Just warming up on the "bike" and doing Supta Baddah Konasana, bridges, and laying on my side with my leg hanging off the table behind me is helping my immensely.

Went to bed icing my hip and that always helps.  Looking forward to tomorrow!

Stay tuned!


Day 56 - Backing Off

June 24, 2014

Today was a slow day.  I am reluctant to do anything too aggressive this week since Mike suggested I back off a bit.  Had to teach so did my stretches from yesterday.  They really felt good and I am hoping that taking it easy will help.  I took a hot bath to try to get my hip moving and listened to a meditation from Depak Chopra.  Went early to my office to catch up on work and then taught.  I love this class.  My students are exceptional people!

Ended the day with ice on my hip and it felt great.  I am still having pain in my hip joint and the outside of my leg still get tight and painful when I walk for any distance. I wake up repeatedly at night due to pain but at least I can get comfortable and fall back asleep.  I continue to take 2 Tramadol in the morning at 2 before bed. I am becoming a bit disillusioned about ever having a fill recovery.  It seems I should be a lot better by now.

Stay tuned!


Day 55 - Change of Plans

June 23, 2014

Started the day with PT.  Arrived in pain and pretty defeated.  Mike is a amazing therapist!  He noticed right away and he said he had been thinking about me and decided that it might be best if I backed of a bit.  I agree that I might be doing more harm by pushing through and that backing off a bit might be a better way to go.  I have strength and I need to give it more time to heal and work on stretching and flexibility.  I did short work out warming up on the bike for 10 minutes and then did bridges (no full wheel) and Supta Baddah Konasana.  He also had me do a stretch laying on my side and having meg leg hanging off the table behind me.  It was great and got to the root of my tightness.  Gonna keep on this plan for a while.  The following pool workout was so helpful.  Between the 91 degree water and the wonderful therapists there I did walking forward and backward, squats, side lunges, tree poses that I help for 30 seconds on each side, and scissors floating in the deep end.

Went to class and felt pretty good by the end of the day.  But ice always helps.

Stay tuned!


Day 54 - Nothing Better Than Yin Yoga!

June 22, 2015

Started the day with Yin Yoga.  Hahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.  Worked mostly on shoulders and upper body.  It was jt what AI needed. I hadn't realized how tight I was but it makes sense.  I survived on my upper body strength to compensate for my right leg and the inability to move well.  Between the walker and the cane and getting up and down I kept in shape!

The rest of the day was spent at the pool just enjoying the day,my granddaughter and daughter-in-law.  Three of my husband's friend's wives joined us for some time on the sun and later dinner on the patio.  All in all it was a wonderful day.

My granddaughter stayed over night and after we read our bedtime books she informed me that her hip really hurt.  I checked it to see if perhaps she had gotten sun burned but saw nothing.  I suggested that perhaps an ice pack like the one I had would help.  So we cuddled up with our ice packs on our hips and fell asleep.  I think she is feeling my pain.  I LOVE that girls to pieces!

Stay tuned!


Day 53

June 22, 2014

Day 53

June 21, 2014

Day 52

June 20, 2014

Day 51

June 19, 2014

Day 50

June 18, 2014

Day 49

June 17, 2014

Day 48

June 16, 2014

Day 47

June 15, 2014

Day 46

June 14, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 45 - Bring It On!!

June 13, 2014

What a fantastic day!  The day began PT.  On top of the other exercises they added side leg lifts, which I have to say was challenging.  While I was doing my bridge pose I thought, "What the heck" and decided to try full wheel since I was told I have no restrictions.  While it was not pretty (not that it ever was) I was back to my practice!  I was not able to get to full expression but I had my head off the table!  I am sooooooooooooooooooo excited.  After that I was directed to do forearm balance.  It felt really good.  After a few sequences of that I went for plank.  It was wonderful to engage my muscles again.  At the end of my land work I asked about doing upward facing dog and downward facing dog.  I was given the "all clear" to do that so now I have added it to my routine.

After that I went into the pool  92 degrees!  Just my speed!  It was heaven.  Walking in the water was very beneficial both forward and backward.  Did side steps, tree pose, and then straddle leg movements in the deep end.  I also did an exercise with one foot on a noodle and balancing on the other.  I had to push it down and lift it up slowly.  It was challenging on both sides.  By the end of the session I was ready for ice!

I think I had better plan to take it easy tomorrow!

Stay tuned!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 44 - Slowly But Surely

May 12, 2014

Started the day using the exercise peddles to warm up before I did my stretches.  It made a big difference.  After that I headed to my office to work on my last class for the first session.  I was tired by the end of class and went home to ice my hip.  Tomorrow I go back to PT and start aqua therapy.  Looking forward to it!

Stay tuned!


Day 43 - One Day Closer to Being Better

May 11, 2014

Today was good.  Started with exercises and some meditation.  Ended with an amazing concert by Il Volo.  Went with my friend who let me borrow the exercise equipment her mother had for rehab.  Noting new just getting closer to being better.

Stay tuned!


Day 42 - On my way

May 10, 2014

I started the day with my exercises.  When I woke up my hip and knee bothered me when I tried to walk but after I was finished with my therapy it felt much better.  I a good meditation session and then went to my office to work and teach.  Class went well but by the end of the day my hip was tired and begging for ice.  I think my therapy would have gone better if I had a recumbent bike to warm up.  I recall my friend's mother had an apparatus that she used for her therapy.  It was a simple stand with pedals.  I am going to ask her where they got it from.  It would do the same thing as a bike but take up less room.

Stay tuned!


Day 41 - Just What I Needed

May 9, 2014

Today was wonderful!!!!  I love the therapist!  He appears to be very knowledgeable and up on his profession.  All of what he said resonated with what I know and have experienced.  I was very interested in his comment about ultrasound therapy to break up adhesions.  According to his research on the subject he does not use it.  Some studies have indicated that it can cause a problem with the tissues between the implant and the bone. I started out using a recumbent bike.  I felt soooooooooo wonderful to get some movement in my hips and other joints.  I only did 10 minutes but could have gone for hours.  I only did three exercises two of which were right form yoga.  One was bridge pose which I feared would be weeks away.  My focus in full wheel in a week or two.  The other was Supta Baddah Konasana.  I was not sure I could let my knee drop out to the side.  While it did not go far and I was painful I supported it and found, as you would expect I had more expression as I did the exercise.  The other was much like Warrior 1 on my back.  I let my leg drop off the table to open up my hip and used a strap to pull my foot closer to my butt.  It wasn't pretty but over time it will get better.  I was sent home with drawings of each exercise and plan to be back Friday for more therapy and to start aqua therapy.  The pool is about 90 degrees...just my kind of pool!

I felt so much better that I came home and cleaned out a closed and emptied some book boxes form the garage.  By the end of the day I needed to ice my hip.  Probably over did it again.

Stay tuned!


Day 40 - Just What I Needed!

May 8, 2014

Happy birthday to me!  This getting old crap is getting old.  Felt terrible today.  Hip and knee are bothering me.  Took my granddaughter to the "Fairy Festival" at Art Park.   We loved it!  Walked all over on the grass but hip was not very happy.  By the end of the day I was back to using the cane to walk any long distance.  I am hoping that PT will help tomorrow.  Can't wait!!

Stay tuned!


Day 39 - More of the Same

June 7, 2014

No real news today.  Did my meditation in the park at my special spot.  Sitting on my heels with a pillow and my yoga block to sit on between my butt and my heels felt good.  Stretching out those muscles was wonderful.  My hip socket still hurts.  I have sharp pains that radiate down in to the inside of my knee.  I am hoping that PT will help with this.

Stay tuned!


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 38 - Moving is Gonna Hurt

June 6, 2014

Started the day with chair yoga.  It was a perfect beginning.  I took it slow and modified some poses a bit for a more aggressive workout.  On others I backed off.  I am listening to my body and being thoughtful about how things feel.  What I love about taking basic classes is they point out the little details of a pose that we have often forgot or take for granted.  In Warrior 1 we were made aware of the need to have our butt cheeks tight.  When I checked I noticed that naturally occurred on the left side but not on my right side.  It made me aware that I am not using the muscles in my leg and buttocks correctly.  This reminded me that my "software is still getting use to my hardware". 

After yoga I went to the park to meditate and then back to the studio for a restorative massage.  What a perfect day!

By the end of the day I was tired and ready to ice my hip.  Tomorrow I plan to take it easy with meditation and some simple stretching.

Stay tuned!


Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 37 - Nothing New

June 5, 2014

Had a good night.  Slept well for the first time in days.  Took the day easy.  Did not have much energy after straightening up the house.  The walking that I did was slow and I had to stop every so often to let my hip settle down.  It hurts on the outside today but my knee is ok.  Did not make it to the park so meditated at home and took it easy until class in the evening.

Uneventful day, which is not a bad thing.

Stay tuned!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Day 36 - Moving Ahead

June 4, 2014

Had a horrible night.  Hurt all over and arms felt weird. Hard to describe but at one point I had to get up and do push-ups against the sink.  I felt sick and just awful.  Could not get to sleep and when I did I kept waking up.  No matter what side I tried to sleep on it didn't work.  I feel like my body needs to get moving and detox.

The morning showed promise.  Went to the doctor and picked up a script for Tramadol.  I have been trying to get by without it but I don't think I am ready yet.  Once I took some and rested a bit I began to feel better.  Bu late morning I was ready to get moving.  I did a bit of yoga on the back porch.  I did modified warrior 1 and 2 and humble warrior.  My downward facing dog was modified using the back of a chair and I did chair pose and modified tree.  It seemed to work and felt better almost immediately.  I been paying attention to my gait and try to walk with my knees closer together.  It seems to be working.  By the afternoon I went to the park with my dog to meditate.  I found the perfect secluded sheltered spot by the river.  I took the rest of the day easy and monitored my walking.

I am feeling much more positive.  I was quite disheartened last night and thought I would never get back.  I was hoping to make a chair yoga class today but missed it.  I am glad I took the time today to build up to it and plan to take it on Friday,  I can't wait until next week to start.  I need to get moving,  I will do a some yoga tomorrow and continue to take it slow.  I have an appointment to start PT on Monday but hopefully getting back to my yoga practice will make it unnecessary.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 35 - Five Weeks Today - Set Back!

June 3, 2014

Last night was terrible.  I was in pain all night but did not want to take may medication, hoping that ice would help.  It di but it was not enough.  I could not get comfortable and by the morning I was close to tears.  I called the surgeon's office and left a message for a request for an appointment and for PT.  I think that I am making things worse by walking incorrectly.  I think I need assistance in correcting my gait and I would be better off with shorter quality walks rather than longer walks.  Not only does my hip hurt but now my knee.

I am planning on staying home today to rest and recover and await a call from the doctor.  Fortunately I have summers off.  I am so glad I scheduled it for the beginning of summer.  I can't imagine how people would do this if they had to go back to work right now.

I heard from the doctor's PA.  They are sending me a script for PT.  My symptoms suggest just what I had figured.  I need to strengthen my leg and get my gait straightened out.  I will also be having aqua therapy but not until after the sixth week.

I rested most of the day and went to teach in the evening.  I am sure that the damp rainy weather is not helping either.  Hope tomorrow will be better.

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Day 34 - Doing Too Much?

June 2, 2014

Today I started with meditation and reflection.  Then I was off to a day of walking to get some things done.  I am not using a cane in the hope that I will begin to use both legs equally and trying to walk longer distances.  I can only walk a short while until I have to stop and rest as my hip area becomes cramped, then continue on my way.  It was along day and my hip and leg were not happy.

I met a friend for dinner and barley got though it.  I was extremely uncomfortable and exhausted.  By the time I got home I wanted to do nothing but ice.  Hopefully a good night's rest will help.

Stay tuned!


Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 33 - A Bit Too Much

June 1, 2014

I started the day with a yoga class that my daughter taught.  It was held at the new Lululemon store that recently opened.  It was nice to be back in a class even though I couldn't practice.  I did try a few postures with a great deal of modification.  Chair pose was fine.  I was able to do Warrior 1 on both sides but not a all deeply.  I managed to do half moon with the my surgical leg lifted and tree on both sides but not with full expression.  I have difficulty putting weight on my right leg unless I hold on to a wall to steady myself.  Even then it hurts.  I was tempted to try full plank and even upward facing dog but I thought better of it.  I am sure Savasana would have been fine.  I just have to keep in mind that I am not supposed to go back to yoga for another week and stay patient.

Fro there I went to my massage.  It was so wonderful.  It was just what I needed to end a hectic weekend.  From there I went to the park to watch my daughter teach yoga on paddle boards.  I can't wait until I am able to try it.  The day ended with everyone at the house but we ordered dinner.  I was too exhausted to cook, let alone stand up.  My leg and hip are not happy.  I am sure I did too much.  Fortunately I have tomorrow to recover.

Stay tuned!


Day 32 - Moving In More Ways Than One

May 31, 2014

Today was exhausting!  I was back at the house to help move some final items.  The movers did not come until late in the day so I did not get home until after midnight.  I spent much of the evening taking care of my granddaughter and getting her ready for bed. 

I went to bed with ice on my hip and having taken 2 Tramadol.  I am looking forward to my massage tomorrow.  I need it.

Stay tuned!


Day 31 - You Never Know!

May 30, 2014

My leg really bothered me last night.  It seemed to ach all over.  It makes me wonder of I am really going to get better.  I called the doctor's office and left a message to see if I could get a script for massage.  They called me back shortly to say one has been written.  I am very impressed at their quick response.  I have an appointment for the end of the day to see if massage might help release my muscles.  I have a feeling that that might be a big part of my pain problem.

Well, things did not go quite as planned.  I had planned to get  a restorative massage but the therapist had to change it to Sunday.  It is probably might be just as well since I wound up going to help my daughter-in-law move into her new house.  It started out easy enough until I got to the house and realized just how nasty the carpets were.  At that point we decided that they needed to be ripped out before the movers arrived.  I was able to cut them into strips and rolled them up on my hands and knees.  In no time we had the rugs and mats out by the curb.  It turns out that the movers can't come until Saturday now.  I am hoping I won't pay for this tomorrow.

Stay tuned!
