Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 6

May 3, 2014

Something about getting worse befoee it gets about getting different before it gets better.  There is no steady line with a gradual improvement.  More like up and down and then kinda more up then even more down.  Not what was expected.  As often is said, "They lied".

Started the day ok I thought.  Had a good evening.  Succesfully made dinner and moved around comfortably.  Got a few naps in and had good pain control.  Ended the day hopeful with plans to grade portfolios for final grades the next day.

That was then and this is now.  I took pain meds every 4 hours last night but woke up feeling nauseous.   Took 2 pills in the morning and had a glass of V8 juice and some slivered almonds.  Got up and went to the kitchen to do some of my exercises.  Suddenly I felt ill not sure if was going to throw up or pass out. After leaning over the sink (thankfully I was there for support from the counter) I realized I needed to go the the bathroom.  There was no way I could ever move.  I had cold sweats, was lightheaded, and weak.  Thankfully , my husband was home to get the portable toilet to me in time.  Good news was I finally went to the bathroom.  Bad news was I was still feeling ill.  When I got back to my bedroom I realized I needed to talk to the doctor.   For some reason his office had no one to cover his calls and the hospital they told me to call was no help.  Thankfully I had a way to contact his PA and she gave me advice.  I spent the rest of the day sleeping and "grazing".  By dinner time I was feeling a bit better.  One thing she recommended beside grazing was to be sure to drink a full glass of water with the pills not just a sip of water.  Also perhaps taking a lower dose of oxycodone and taking motrin in between. I found keeping something in my stomach and drinking more has really helped.  Sipping pepsi and eating saltines helped.  Also the ice machine did give some relief.

One thing that struck me was that my husband's help has been amazing.  He is not one I considering the nursing type.  In the midst of his having to clean up after me he was still able to make jokes.  The photos of me on the toilet were special (and deleted).  When I would get up to go into the kitchen he would follow me with the toilet chair...annoying at the time but funny now.  Reminded me of the loving care his father took of his mother when she was home and dying.  Both pretty rough characters with soft hearts.  They both suprised me.

On another note, my granddaughter is on the way to the house.  Both her parents have to work tonight so she is staying here.  Now that she is 7 she is much better at bedtime routines.  I am hoping this will be true tonight.  I just wish I could put her to bed.  I love our story and snuggle time.  The plan is go have one of her parents here in the morning to get her to school.

Stay tuned!


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