May 9, 2014
Today was wonderful!!!! I love the therapist! He appears to be very knowledgeable and up on his profession. All of what he said resonated with what I know and have experienced. I was very interested in his comment about ultrasound therapy to break up adhesions. According to his research on the subject he does not use it. Some studies have indicated that it can cause a problem with the tissues between the implant and the bone. I started out using a recumbent bike. I felt soooooooooo wonderful to get some movement in my hips and other joints. I only did 10 minutes but could have gone for hours. I only did three exercises two of which were right form yoga. One was bridge pose which I feared would be weeks away. My focus in full wheel in a week or two. The other was Supta Baddah Konasana. I was not sure I could let my knee drop out to the side. While it did not go far and I was painful I supported it and found, as you would expect I had more expression as I did the exercise. The other was much like Warrior 1 on my back. I let my leg drop off the table to open up my hip and used a strap to pull my foot closer to my butt. It wasn't pretty but over time it will get better. I was sent home with drawings of each exercise and plan to be back Friday for more therapy and to start aqua therapy. The pool is about 90 degrees...just my kind of pool!
I felt so much better that I came home and cleaned out a closed and emptied some book boxes form the garage. By the end of the day I needed to ice my hip. Probably over did it again.
Stay tuned!
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