Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 13 - A Larger Lesson

May 12, 2014

Today was a day of taking it easy after a rigorous day before.  I had PT and was informed that I should plan to transition to a cane on Wednesday.  I am not sure I will be ready by then and need to work on trusting my hip to bear more weight.  I managed a couple of walks but spent most of the day trying to get my brain back on track.  A balance of Tramadol and ice helped with the pain, which is still present. 

I have to try to not think of the others I spoke to who were up and moving and pain free less than a week after surgery.  While I try to explain the reasons, the bottom line is...it is what it is.  Everyone is different and I need to take my journey without comparing myself to others.  I find this revelation quite interesting, as lately I have been comparing my professional work to others around me and feeling inadequate.  Perhaps the lesson here is larger than I thought.  First I need to get my body back and my mind and confidence will follow. Comparing myself to others is not helpful  I need to "stay on my own yoga mat", so to speak.

Stay tuned!


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