Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 245 - Time Off Pays Off

December 30
Pain 0-1

If I have learned on thing from all of this is to BE PATIENT.  Easy to say now that I am 8 months out but learned non-the-less.  Having taken 2 months off as recommended by Dr. Kaplan I have returned to practice as of today!  While he did not insist the stop completely I knew myself well enough to know either I am all in or all out.  In the meantime I rested, focused on my work, meditated and practiced Reiki.  In spite of all of this at the end of this I found myself doubting myself and my ability to make a difference or accomplish anything significant.  I hurt all over and lost so much strength it was scary.  I had set a date of return for after Christmas and was at my lowest point.

Yesterday everything changed when I went to a massage appointment with Sue Zinter at Soma Cura.  Not only did her massage help but her counsel did as well.  While my hip is no longer painful my scar and the hip flexor is still problematic.  I was reminded that, according to Sue, "my software is still getting used to my hardware".  It will take time for my muscles to get stronger and my scar still needs massaging and vitamin E.  Sleeping at night is still somewhat problematic and I have good and bad nights.  Hopefully yoga and massage will help this.

I was excited to go to Power Yoga Buffalo and take Candice's basic class.  It was slow and deep and challenging but it was the perfect way to get back to my practice.  I was pleased at some of the things I could do that previously bothered me before.  Warrior 1 and 2 where no longer difficult although I still have difficulty moving my right foot from downward facing to in between my hands.  I am able to get closer to the floor when my right foot is in that position and it actually feels good!  I was astounded when I did crow and I had absolutely no pain in the front of my hip.  It had been problematic since before my surgery and compression or impingement hurt so much that it would catch my breath.

During this time I have come across some very helpful articles on yogis and recovery from injury.  One from the Elephant Journal called Ego & Injury: 10 Questions for Yoginis
and another one entitled 7 Ways to Get Back On the Yoga Mat from the website  DoYouDoYoga.com.  Both have given me perspective and things to remember as I continue to recover.

I plan to go to see Dr. Kaplan at Osteopathic Wellness Medicine for proto therapy when his office officially opens in February.  I think this is going to help my scar heal more quickly and better. 

I will most likely take it easy tomorrow and save myself for a class that my daughter will be teaching on New Years day. 

I am hoping that the New Year will bring me more healing and greater insight to the process of using yoga to recover from hip replacement.  I have learned to much in the past  months and I am sure to learn a great deal more.  In my future I see training to become a yoga instructor and hope to integrate my Reiki practice into it.  I am also hoping that I might be able to assist others who will be going through a similar experience and provide guidance and assurance as they progress.  Eventually I would like to work with a holistic physician to do this and know I have much to learn before I get there.

I know I will have good days and not so good days but little by little my strength and flexibility will return.  I just need to be patient, determined, and consistent in my practice.

Stay tuned!!

